1 Lakh Upcoming Jobs in Punjab 2024 – Department wise Vacancies List

CM Punjab Sardar Usman Khan Buzdar has approved the 1 Lakh Upcoming Jobs in Punjab 2024 In various department to fil the available positions as soon possible according government of punjab policies.

Recruitment for one lakh posts on special order of Chief Minister will be in accordance with recruitment policy on merit basis only.Order to immediately remove obstacles in the payment of salaries of ad hoc doctors

CM Punjab Sardar Usman Bazdar has approved recruitment for one lakh vacancies in various departments across the province. Recruitment will be done on the basis of merit, education and experience. Chief Minister Usman Bazdar said that the Punjab government has decided in principle to recruit for one lakh posts in government departments and this recruitment will be based on merit and qualification only.

Punjab Government Hassan Khawar while briefing the media concerning the details regarding recruitment on vacancies said that out of 33 thousand vacancies in School Education Department, 16 thousand vacancies will be filled in the first phase.

1 Lakh Upcoming Jobs in Punjab 2024 – Department wise Vacancies List
1 Lakh Upcoming Jobs in Punjab 2024 – Latest Announcement

He said that the department had recruited 1,200 posts in primary health care, 2,900 in specialized health care, 2,600 in higher education, 3,500 in college teacher interns, 1,200 in civil defense, 4,300 in prisons and 4,800 in patwaris. Are going In addition, more than 12,000 vacancies will be filled in the police and border military police. The Punjab government spokesman said that Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Bazdar has taken stern notice of the difficulties faced by the ad hoc doctors and the obstacles in paying their salaries and has also ordered to pay their salaries without any hindrance.

Department wise Vacancies List of 1 Lakh Upcoming Jobs in Punjab

Post Title / Name of DepartmentNo.of Posts
Education Department33000
Higher Education Department2600
Police Jail Department4300
Police Department12000
Civil Defence1200
Patwari/Revenue Department4800
Recruitment also done in other departmentHousing Authory/Health Department/Local Government

How to Apply for Upcoming Jobs in Punjab ?

Application process of individual department through various testing agencies or concerning committee will be responsible for hiring process from across Punjab after official announcement of ads.

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