Today Government Jobs 2024 – Latest Vacancies Advertisement

Complete detail of today government jobs is given in this article as which government department have announced, how you can apply, what is eligibility criteria and their salary & benefits. Candidates who have completed their graduation and looking for jobs. There are many career opportunities are available for the candidates who are passionate, experienced, skilled and responsible, they can start their career and professional life.

People with disabilities may also apply for these positions. If you meet the requirements listed below or in the job announcement, you may submit an application. You can ask any questions you may have about this post in the comments section. Today, persons seeking government employment but without a high level of education have a critical chance to start their careers. Today government jobs do not require higher education, applicants who desire to have government jobs and they meet eligibility criteria can submit their applications. If you are physically fit, you may apply for these positions and be sure of getting a job in the government department.

Through this page, interested candidates may view all current and forthcoming job announcements from the University of Agriculture Faisalabad. Additionally, all positions will be advertised on the UAF website, You can also

The male and females having required qualification and looking for today government jobs as well police jobs can check complete details. The government department of Pakistan is an equal opportunity workplace, meaning that both men and women are welcome to apply and begin their careers. If you have questions about how to apply, the wage and benefit packages, or the qualifying requirements, all the information regarding today government jobs that you need is provided in this article.

Today Government Jobs Detail

Name of PostNo. of VacanciesScale
Data Base Administrator01BPS-18
Law Officer01BPS-17
Land Utilization Officer01BPS-17
Research Officers12BPS-17
Research Assistant25BPS-16
Assistant Accounts Officer4BPS-16
Associate Engineer (Lab. Sup.16BPS-16
Associate Engineers4BPS-16
Network Assistant9BPS-16
Pictorial Publicity Officer1BPS-16
Assistant Editor1BPS-16
 Library Technologist1BPS-16
Sub Engineer02BPS-14
Data Analyst03BPS-13 
 Mass Media Producer01BPS-13 
Junior Computer Operator     03BPS-12
Assistant Instruments Technician01BPS-11
Game Instructors01BPS-11

Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility criteria for each post is different, professionals with the following qualifications are encouraged to apply: Primary, Middle, Matriculation, Literate, Intermediate, Bachelor’s, Master’s, MS, MBA, and BS Qualifications, along with any related experience.

How to Apply?

Candidates who meet the criteria listed above for consideration may submit their applications on the prescribed form along with one passport-size photo, a resume, attested copies of all educational and professional credentials, and the bank draught (non-refundable) fee (mentioned in the following advertisement) for each post, to be drawn in favour of the Treasurer. Faisalabad University of Agriculture. By following this link you can download application from

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